11:30 AM - Networking
12:00 - 1:00 PM - Lunch and Program
Wednesday, September 16th at 11:30 @ New Bern Golf & Country Club
Join us again at our new beautiful lunch venue to hear from Mickey Miller & Tharesa Lee. In 2013, City of New Bern and the Housing Authority of the City of New Bern were chosen as one of only nine cities in the country to receive a 2013 HUD Choice Neighborhoods Initiative planning grant.
Mickey Miller and Tharesa Lee from The Choice Neighborhoods Initiative will explain how this program is designed to help transform struggling neighborhoods of concentrated poverty into sustainable, mixed-income communities with quality, affordable housing, safer streets, good schools, and improved access to jobs. The program is focused on three core goals: Housing, People and Neighborhood. It not only addresses the public housing issue, but education, public safety, health, and employment. The Choice Neighborhoods grant will bring together New Bern’s residents, service organizations, businesses, and non-profits to develop a comprehensive approach to transform the grant area and improve the lives of its residents.
Thank you to our Dessert Sponsor, Mary Ann LeRay! "Our mission is to enrich women's lives as we help them discover their beauty by sharing tips and fabulous products. For more information on workshops and complimentary makeover, contact Mary Ann LeRay 252-671-7815 or Jean Bender 252-229-6545.
Deadline Monday, September 14th
at noon.
Guests are welcome, seating is limited!
If you have any questions, please call or email:
Sandy Eichelberger, Lunch Coordinator
301 938 4836 or sandyeichelberger@yahoo.com