Anna DiNisio, President
Dear CWF Sisters,
Thank you, Coastal Women’s Forum, for being the home I needed!
Before by husband, Larry, and I moved to Pamlico County in July 2019, I was very active with Tupperware. I was a Business Leader, so I was conducting rallies and manager meetings every month in the WV/VA area. After we moved here, I was driving back to Virginia once a month to host the meetings during a 3 day stay.
By October that year, it was just too much and I retired from my Business Leader position. What a void that created.
I still had my Tupperware business and was doing vendor events to meet people. I heard about a Trade Share a group of ladies was having in March of 2020. I reached out and said I would like to participate and have a table. But guess what! I could only set up a table if I became a member. So, I joined. The rest is history!
Meeting all the wonderful ladies and being a part of this awesome group filled the void I had! Thank you to all of you who opened your arms and welcomed me in. I do not regret for a day that I am a member of the best group of women open to helping each other in any way they can.
I am proud to now be your President for the 24-25 year. It is a great honor to carry on the tradition of those who came before me and serving CWF.
Our first meeting of the 24-25 year is scheduled for August 20th from 5:30pm-7:00pm. Watch for the invitation coming out with our NEW location! Be sure to renew your membership before you register. Non-member cost for the meal is more than member cost.
Anna DiNisio