5:30 PM - Networking
6:00-7:00 PM - Buffet Dinner and Program
Buffet to feature TBA
Registration required - deadline Monday, August 31st at 1200 noon

Eileen Bress is the Operations Manager for Monarch, a nonprofit organization that supports thousands of people in North Carolina with intellectual and developmental disabilities, mental illness & substance use disorders. Monarch supports people of all ages, skill levels and backgrounds. Please join us to learn more about Eileen, Monarch, and how they help people in need discover their interest and place within the community.
A special thank you to our dessert sponsor Sandy Eichelberger: Sandy is an acupuncturist in New Bern practicing safe, effective, chemical-free ways to promote the body's remarkable self-healing abilities. It is used to prevent disease, relieve pain, balance mood, promote spiritual awakenings, and promote overall health and wellness. She is trained in 5 element acupuncture which treats the whole person on the body, mind, spirit level.
Questions or help with registration, contact Dinner Coordinator, Jo Johnson: Jo.johnson@firstsouthnc.com or 252-636-3777.
(Please do not contact The Chelsea)