11:30 AM - Networking
12:00 - 1:00 PM - Lunch and Program
Come enjoy our interesting speaker and a wonderful lunch of Chicken Cordon Bleu!!!

New Bern...a town at the crossroads of greatness
In 2013, with the support of the City of New Bern's Department of Development Services, a diverse collaborative was formed to study the Pollock Street Gateway Corridor connecting the Ghent neighborhood with the Downtown Historic District. The Pollock Street Collaborative Art/Design Task Force included representatives from the City of New Bern, Craven Community College, Pollock Street studio artists, the Craven Arts Council, Swiss Bear Downtown Development Corporation, the Housing Authority, community members, and neighborhood religious organizations, and met monthly for 18 months. Central to the discussions and recommendations made was the desire to create a sense of place on the Pollock Street Gateway Corridor through the arts.
At our November 18th luncheon, Dr. Katherine Adolph of The City Laundry will share some of the work that has already been accomplished on this important corridor and share upcoming key initiatives.
◊ Plan, design, and implement gateways
◊ Rebuild fountain at Pollock and Queen Streets
◊ Improve and expand pedestrian network
◊ Streetscape improvement
Please join us for networking, lunch, and to learn more about the latest plans for our community.
Thanks for the November Dessert Sponsor, Cheryl Jukich:
cabi...fashion redefined
Cheryl Jukich
Guests are welcome, seating is limited! Reservations must be confirmed by noon on November 16, 2015.
If you have any questions, please call or email:
Sandy Eichelberger, Lunch Coordinator
301 938 4836 or sandyeichelberger@yahoo.com