11:30 AM - Networking
12:00 - 1:00 PM - Lunch and Program
Have yourself a merry little holiday! Come join your CWF friends and colleagues to share holiday spirit at our beautiful Club location. Enjoy our buffet of Pecan Crusted Chicken.

Hannah Huesman, New Bern Outreach Coordinator of the Food Bank, will be our guest and talk about their Mission : No One Goes Hungry. Donations of either cash or check will be collected at the events along with non perishable food items. If you are unable to attend, please consider bringing your donation to Bear Essentials on or before December 18th.
Thank you, Dessert Sponsors, Susan Pittman and Janet Routier.
Guests are welcome, seating is limited so register early!
If you have any questions, please call or email:
Sandy Eichelberger, Lunch Coordinator
301 938 4836 or sandyeichelberger@yahoo.com