11:30 AM - Networking
12:00 - 1:00 PM - Lunch and Program
Program Details:
Take a moment to relax! You're in the holiday homestretch so come have lunch and play some reindeer games.

SPEAKER: From MERCI Clinic - Cindy Burrows, President and
Beth Cooper, Executive Director
The MERCI Clinic is the President's charity of choice for 2017.
MERCI Clinic is a charitable, non-profit organization that was established in 1996. It exists to provide free, direct medical and limited dental care, behavioral health care, specialty clinics, referrals for diagnostic testing, diabetes education & management, and pharmaceuticals to low-income, uninsured adult residents of Craven, Pamlico and Jones Counties.
So Ladies, bring your checkbooks and wallets and support our local charity that is doing amazing work in our community. We will have donation forms at the registration table. And this year we have added the ability to donate on our website under President's Charity. So while you register for lunch, please take the time to support our local charity!
Dessert Sponsor: Kelly Michaud of Solid Rock Accounting, kelly@solidrockaccounting.com, 252 675-5414.
"Here at Solid Rock Accounting Services we’re here to help you rediscover what you love about your business. We want to be your partner to help simplify your bookkeeping so you can spend your precious time doing what you are passionate it about - growing your business. "
Visitors are welcome, seating is limited!
If you have any questions, email cwflunch@gmail.com