2301 Neuse Blvd, New Bern, NC 28560
Please join us March 16, 11:30am for an engaging lesson on saying "NO"!
Eileen Nonemaker, Paradigm Associates and Former President of Coastal Women's Forum
We, as women, are brought up to be nurturing and helpful. We often worry more about others then we do ourselves. This in turn causes us to say "YES" to things. But,how do we say "NO" if it's not in our vocabulary? Join us as we hear Eileen offer us tips on the why and when to saying "NO", as well as saying "NO" nicely, professionally and without guilt.
(However, you have to say YES to coming to the meeting to hear her!)
This session will be Interactive, so jot down some circumstances in which YOU wish you said, "NO."

Thank you to our Dessert Sponsor!
Debi Wynn, "Just Chillin' Yacht Charters"

Registration is required. Registration deadline is Friday March 11,11:00AM.
Meal Cancellation Policy:
If you made a reservation and cannot attend, please CANCEL your reservation ( no later than 11:00 am March 11 or you will be responsible to cover the cost of your meal. Also if you register a Guest you must follow the same cancellation Deadline or you will be responsible for their meal.
If paying at the door please be prepared to pay by cash or check. No credit cards at the door.
COVID Precautions: We encourage all attendees to wear masks. Seating will be six to a table.