Join us for CWF’s Daytime meeting on
December 14, 2022 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
The Flame
2301 Neuse Blvd, New Bern
CWF December Daytime Meeting
Coastal Women’s Forum 2022 President’s Charity
Tried by Fire, Inc.

Coastal Women’s Forum December daytime and evening meetings are dedicated to celebrating our 2022 President’s Charity – Tried by Fire, Inc.
Tried by Fire, Inc. is a non-profit organization “Committed to Helping Women Through the Tough Times.” A key goal of the outreach ministry is helping women to start over post incarceration. Tried by Fire partners with other agencies, churches, organizations and individuals to provide counseling, education, training, housing, employment, criminal justice compliance and other basic needs.
A hallmark project of Tried by Fire is My Sister’s House, a home that will provide temporary shelter for up to eight women in a monitored, supportive environment after their release from prison. My Sister’s House is the realized vision of a village of dedicated women and men who are committed to helping women rebuild their lives toward a positive and productive future. It will celebrate its preview in mid-December.
Tried by Fire Chief Vision Executive, Bonita Burney Simmons, and Volunteer and Resource Coordinator, Deedra Durocher, both members of Coastal Women’s Forum, will tell the story and vision of Tried by Fire. They will be joined by women who share compelling insight into how their lives and the lives of their families and communities have been enriched by Tried by Fire volunteers and partners. Their stories are amazing examples of Coastal Women’s Forum’s 2022 theme of Embracing Empowerment Together.
Each presentation will focus on a different chapter in the Tried by Fire story. The daytime meeting will feature Nigeria Jarmond, who will share her unique post-incarceration journey from darkness to light.
Please join us on Wednesday, December 14 at 11:30 AM, at The Flame Banquet Center to learn more about Tried by Fire, Inc.
In keeping with our tradition, there will be an opportunity to provide a financial contribution at each meeting and through our website, www.coastalwomensforum.com.
Thank You to Our December Dessert Sponsor
Tried By Fire, Inc.

Approximately 560 women are currently held in 29 prisons and jails within nine counties of eastern NC.
When a woman is released from prison, her most critical need is a viable address where she can begin to rebuild her life and reconnect with her children. My Sister's House, at 524 Roundtree Street, will provide such a space in the first transitional home specifically for post-incarcerated women in eastern NC. This safe and supportive shelter, for up to 8 women, will provide referrals to existing services, programs, and resources already existing in our community to increase their opportunities for a successful reentry.
Tried By Fire, Inc., a 501-(c)-3 nonprofit, looks forward to completing construction and furnishing this special home by the end of this year, and inviting all CWF members to celebrate our Ribbon Cutting and Open House!
Registration is required. Registration deadline is 5:00 PM on the Sunday before the daytime meeting.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Beginning with the October Daytime Meeting, payment will be required at the time of registration for all CWF events. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we implement this new process. If this poses a hardship for you, please feel free to reach out to our meeting coordinators: Taylor Paramore at cwflunch@gmail.com and Kim Noe at cwfdinner@gmail.com.
Meal Cancellation Policy:
For both the daytime and evening meetings, if you wish to receive a refund, the final cancellation deadline is 5pm the Sunday before the meeting. All cancellation requests and meeting registration questions must be sent to the appropriate coordinator at cwflunch@gmail.com or cwfdinner@gmail.com.
To register, click here on link: https://coastalwomensforum.com
Best regards,
Coastal Women's Forum